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Common coating material classification coating is a physical process
Time:2015-7-3 10:27:05                  Click:1897

Film is a physical process, a film layer of aluminum laminated together under heat and pressure. Film faced plywood is covered with a layer of aluminum on top of the substrate film, so the quality we buy when used to care about the film.
1, other imported film pearl film Lvkou domestic and imported pearl film Lvkou, LG pearl coated aluminum buckle.
2, domestic film thickness is generally between 0.1-0.3 mm. Substrate thickness 0.1-0.2 mm generally well-known brands.
3, LG high film surface effect crystal bright, colorful changes, long-term does not change color. Soft touch, colorful surface color, green, moisture, corrosion, easy to clean, light weight, fire performance. Currently the best film products, the price is high, life expectancy at 20--30 years.

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