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Analysis: green standards of the sheet metal industry
Time:2015-7-3 10:27:51                  Click:2044

On the cabinet market, many consumers about the safety of wooden panels into trouble recently, there is news that is now approved by the Ministry of Commerce, China Association of Wood and Wood Products Distribution specific implementation of "green sheet evaluation criteria" forthcoming That is, our future plate products used will also move the green door.
    Industry: green standard will be formally posts
    Following the "Green Building Evaluation Standard", another industry standard architecture in the field of green-related "green sheet evaluation criteria," forthcoming. Currently the line marked soliciting comments which, once approved, China sheet metal industry's first green sheet will be officially recognized standard "job" for specification of green sheet market, play an important role in promoting.
    The first industry standard green sheet evaluation, focused on life safety environmental indicators, such as the most critical formaldehyde emission, proposed almost "zero formaldehyde" high standards, high requirements for different products, in accordance with Security different indicators, further distinguish the different levels.
    The purpose is to ensure the protection of the safety of the plate, making it a truly healthy green sheet plate. Once the standard is implemented, will be on the integration of green sheet metal industry play a role, as well as regulate the use of the name of the relevant quality and safety identified.
    The standard also regulates the definition of green wood-based panels, production materials and process requirements, product quality and safety performance requirements, test methods, etc., we will work with the US CARB certification, Japan and other foreign JIA certified green plywood industry standard docking.
    Introduction of the standard will regulate high-polluting industries based on the evaluation of products and systems, panel products to respond effectively promote green trade barriers faced by export trade, to enhance the international competitiveness of the industry of high-end green products. Experts believe that the standard will lead the industry in accordance with green standards gradually become a green industry, to provide consumers with real green products.
    Status: market chaos Urgent standards
    Nowadays, the status quo plate mixed market and increasingly severe indoor air pollution, on the domestic industry had a very bad impact, but also endanger the consumer's home environment. The survey shows that 280 million people worldwide each year by the interior decoration pollution harm, while 60 percent of newly installed residential buildings formaldehyde, indoor air pollution has become one of the top ten threats to human health. The origin of these security risks, the main materials and home decoration closely related to non-compliance.
    It is in this context, the green sheet turned out to be the market's "darling." But in the end what kind of plate is "green sheet", it seems to fall into the "speaking the same language," the embarrassing situation. In fact, Before the building materials market is often some product identification are "green sheet", "health plate", "no formaldehyde sheet", etc., indicate the confusion that consumers have no choice.
    For the panel, some businesses claim that their plate is E0 or E1 grade level, below the green sheet; some sales staff advocated low formaldehyde content of their own sheet is healthy and in the purchase of the floor, a green sheet. The concept has changed, after listening to some people scratching their heads.
    Assessment criteria for the green sheet is to give the green sheet a recognized industry standard, making the green sheet identified evidence-based, there is a unified view, rather than the enterprise or a department of talking, self-certification in the market the so-called "green sheet", sales to consumers.
    Future: "green" to lead healthy new life
    Currently, formaldehyde indoor air pollution comes mainly from the traditional artificial board decoration and furniture, cabinets used, due to the traditional man-made sheet mainly urea-formaldehyde resin as a binder, a urea resin reversible reaction can occur at room temperature, the decomposition of formaldehyde to gaseous form gradually released into the surrounding environment, the release of up to 10 years to 15 years, therefore, the situation for many years after the renovation indoor formaldehyde pollution is still often excessive.
    Current domestic plate market in accordance with the high-end, midrange and low-end market has been divided. For high-end market of green sheet, after the implementation of standards, in addition to further integrate industry chaos outside, it makes market segmentation more significantly, the different requirements of consumers are more likely to choose their own satisfaction sheet products for home improvement.
    "Green sheet evaluation criteria" will integrate industry "green" the whole industry chain. Green sheet products up to standard, but the first step in a green sheet. The real green sheet, it should be the whole industry chain of "green", including the production of sheet technology, production equipment and quality of enterprise management and end-product design, materials, and performance, with all the "green" requirements, are a "big green" category, in order to ultimately achieve green development of the plate. That is, " the introduction of the green sheet evaluation standards ", will lead consumers to a whole new life of health and environmental protection.

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