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At the time of construction, how to conserve architectural template?
Time:2015-7-3 10:25:15                  Click:1223

Use construction template will be a lot of construction sites in the presence of a material waste. How can I do when the construction material saving it?

1, the use of steel for support and rail, we should take the overall situation, careful planning, calculations, pipe length cut short, to meet certain engineering modulus, and for construction in accordance with construction formwork concrete structural height and size. According to the characteristics of the project, the main roof support pole 1.2m to 2.1m and 0.9m of pole supplemented, which can effectively improve the efficiency of timber week.

2, according to well-row drawing board, each board, each beam to minimize seams. Not free to trample on the place of good building templates, heavy impact; wooden flute classification piled back, not free to cut or saw cut.

3, when the plate as much as possible without damaging the wood template, easy to use turnover on the template removed promptly clean up, modify, brush the release agent, identity is unclear template to re-identify; do careful maintenance to extend the period of use.

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