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Building wooden template water template
Time:2015-7-3 10:23:24                  Click:1248

In recent years more and more popular wood building templates, they adopt high-quality poplar and hardwood, you can make a template to generate a variety of performance, then use this method to produce a template exactly what characteristic?
      Construction template used in all three amine thick plastic dough whole entire core executives dedicated repeatedly used 8-10 times, the use of fine pine, poplar material, based on scientific principles, through advanced production process from processing. With reliable quality, high tensile strength, water resistance, smooth and so on. High quality waterproof rubber-modified phenolic trimer pressing to ensure turnaround times between seven to ten times.
01) construction template size tolerance does not exceed ± 1mm, to ensure a high level seams.
02) building templates, large format, it can reduce the number of joints, improve work efficiency supporting film. Not warp, crack, good water resistance, high turnover times, long service life. Stripping easy. Only 1/7 of steel.
03) in terms of building templates corrosion, do not pollute the concrete surface. Good insulation properties, is conducive to winter construction. You can work bending template. Construction performance. Nails, saws, hole transfer properties than bamboo plywood and small steel. Can into various shapes according to the construction needs of construction template processing.

Next:At the time of construction, how to conserve architectural template?



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