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How to increase the frequency of use of building templates
Time:2015-7-3 10:21:55                  Click:1215

Because now dwindling forest resources, using increasingly expensive, and our building templates commonly used materials or wood, then how can we be fully utilized to increase the frequency of use of forest resources conservation for the benefit of future generations!

    1, in order to prevent the construction template encounter gravel material, or at least cement and other corrosive substances, the paint can be applied to the surface of the building template, templates can help prolong life;
    2, template paint bright surface finish and good, may be formed on the surface of enamel defects in construction templates is a good way to make up;
    3, template paint film can withstand up to three hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, the heat resistance is also very good, very suitable for building template environment;

Next:Matters storage building templates need to be aware of



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